- Mailchimp API doc
Install Mailchimp Marketing API
pip install mailchimp_marketing
import mailchimp_marketing as MailchimpMarketing
from mailchimp_marketing.api_client import ApiClientError
# Initialize the Mailchimp client with your API key and server prefix.
mc_client = MailchimpMarketing.Client()
"api_key": "YOUR_MAILCHIMP_API_KEY", # Replace with your actual Mailchimp API key
"server": "YOUR_MAILCHIMP_SERVER_PREFIX" # Replace with your server prefix (e.g., us1, us2, etc.)
def mc_segments():
Retrieves and filters segments from your Mailchimp audience.
dict: A dictionary where keys are segment IDs and values are lists containing the segment names.
Contains only segments with names including "Pasted".
# Get the ID of the first list in your Mailchimp account.
# Note: This assumes you only have one list. If you have multiple, you'll need to adjust this.
get_the_mclist_id = mc_client.lists.get_all_lists()
idlist = get_the_mclist_id["lists"][0]["id"]
thisseg = 0 # Initialize a counter for iterating through segments
segdict = {} # Initialize a dictionary to store segment IDs and names
# Fetch up to 450 segments from your Mailchimp list.
# You might need to adjust the 'count' parameter based on the number of segments in your list.
get_the_mcsegments = mc_client.lists.list_segments(idlist, count=450)
# Iterate through the retrieved segments.
for segid in get_the_mcsegments["segments"]:
# Check if the segment name contains "Pasted".
if "Pasted" in get_the_mcsegments["segments"][thisseg]["name"]:
# If it does, add the segment ID and name to the dictionary.
segdict[get_the_mcsegments["segments"][thisseg]["id"]] = [get_the_mcsegments["segments"][thisseg]["name"]]
thisseg += 1 # Increment the counter
return segdict # Return the dictionary of segments to be deleted
except Exception as error:
print(error) # Print any errors encountered during the process
# Iterate through the keys (segment IDs) in the dictionary returned by mc_segments().
for key in mc_segments():
# Delete the segment using the Mailchimp API.
# Make sure to replace "YOUR_MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID" with your actual list ID.
response = mc_client.lists.delete_segment("YOUR_MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID", key)
print(key," : ",response) # Print the API response (usually a success message if the deletion was successful)