Don’t worry, Be Bacri.
ffmpeg is a universal media converter. It can read a wide variety of inputs – including live grabbing/recording devices – filter, and transcode them into a plethora of output formats. Installation sur Windows (sinon Ajouter l’exe au Path Windows (attention,…
Download YouTube VIDEO with yt-dlp
Basic use Only get MP4 videos
Sources: Quick Git Setup Find .gifconfig: List current gitconfig: Add your name and email to the gitconfig: Use Git From the console, open project folder and launch the below command to initialise the git: Push
Python Virtual Environment
Purpose Python virtual environments help decouple and isolate Python installs and associated pip packages. This allows end-users to install and manage their own set of packages that are independent of those provided by the system or used by other projects.The…
Visual Studio Code
source :
Delete « Pasted Segment » from Mailchimp Audience using Marketing API
Sources Install Mailchimp Marketing API Script
Libraries for security
Scapy Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation library written in Python. Scapy is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more.…
pyIsEmail is a no-nonsense approach for checking whether that user-supplied email address could be real. Sick of not being able to use email address tagging to sort through your Bacn? We can fix that.
Pytube is a lightweight, Pythonic, dependency-free, library (and command-line utility) for downloading YouTube Videos.